New Income Ideas

Multiple Streams of Income

Multiple Streams of Income – What is it?

It is one of the best methods to earn a good living from the internet.  I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”  That most definitely applies here. The more varied sources of income that you have coming in, of course the more money you will have, but also, when one stream slows or even stops, you won’t be fully without an income while you search for another to replace it. You’ll still have money coming in from those other sources.

One example would be putting in a recommendation and affiliate link for that book that you learned so much from when you’re blogging about pet care (if that’s your thing).  Some people add affiliate links to the end of their e-books that link back to another book they have or a membership or training that they provide.  The possibilities are numerous and will start showing their-selves now that you know just what to look for.

With that in mind, be on the lookout for other opportunities that interest you and make sure you WRITE IT DOWN!  If you’re like me, when you get the free time to look into it more, you’ve forgotten just what that great idea was.

So, something that I learned in a virtual assistant training class – DO IT NOW!  Stop what you are doing and write down a couple of ideas that you now have floating around in your head before moving onto the next page.  That little tidbit has become very handy. If you don’t do it now chances are pretty high that you will not follow through later.  And that’s not going to benefit you, your business, or your pocket! What would be something you’d like to add to your streams?


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