New Income Ideas

Money in Mystery Shopping – Getting Paid to Shop - Mystery Shopping

I first started mystery shopping 15 or so years ago in my small hometown.  I was a young mother and the internet, in my mind, was not as awesome as it is now. I was signed up with a few different companies and had not one clue about what it was really about.  I made a few dollars and was reimbursed which equaled free food in most cases.  Fast forward to today and a lot has changed but the principal is still the same – you help businesses (big AND small) improve their services, products and customer relations by going in and observing, listening and then reporting back to the client ALL that you saw and heard.

I am now signed up for many, many shopping companies and schedulers which gives me access to most of the “shops” that are available in my area.  I have done shops that involve me going into banks to inquire about new accounts, browsing big stores to make sure the clients product is properly displayed, sitting in a drive-thru of my favorite fast food restaurant to see how quick the service was and if the food was prepared as expected.  My latest shop paid very well for going to a dealership and seeing what features the salesperson emphasized and what deals he offered to the customers (me).  Sometimes it is fun pretending, other times not so much.  My husband felt pretty guilty about “wasting” his time.  I pointed out to him that the salesperson did a great job and that the report will most likely be a major boost for him. It helps him look good in the boss’s eyes and maybe even helps secure him a more permanent position (it was pretty obvious that he had just started working there.)

The major point to know is that you do not work FOR the companies, nor the businesses that are their clients. You work as an independent contractor and the mystery shopping agencies use your services and pay you for the work that you do for them.  They do not pay any taxes for you, there are no benefits nor insurance. You take care of all that yourself, as a self-employed sole proprietor. But how big you go is up to you.  Some only do this to make a little pocket change, pay for their nice dinner, etc.  Others, however, make a full time living from this.  That takes dedication and the desire to succeed at having your own business.  Besides the time spent shopping, you spend time looking for the shops near you, reading the guidelines (requirements) that tell you what you need to do for each shop, schedule and plan your shops (some like to bundle many together), writing and submitting reports to the agency, emailing the schedulers questions, clarifications, pay negotiations etc.  So, it isn’t just a “quick shop”.  It is a real job IF you want to make some good money.

How much money you can make depends on a few factors.  Some only take jobs that pay a certain amount, say nothing under $20 for this type of shop or for a report that has a lot of narratives.  Whether or not you can be picky maybe depends on how much work there is around you and how many other mystery shoppers there are also taking those shops.  If you aren’t too picky and want to start bringing in the money, sign up for those cheaper jobs because they add up quickly!  You might have to work a little more than the picky person but you guarantee that you will end up with money in your pocket versus it being empty. I would rather look back and see that my 10 shops earned me $150 than to hold out trying to find $20+ shops and only end up with $80.

If you have the money (or earn it) to invest in a hidden camera, those shops can bring in the big bucks! Usually those shops pay around $100+ each and usually don’t require you to submit a report. I have not gone done that path just yet but plan to soon!

Cathy Stucker has an excellent book out called The Mystery Shopper’s Manual that has just about everything you could possibly need to get started. It not only helps for getting shops but also walks you through filing reports, dealing with taxes, and avoiding scams & preventing mistakes. The book has gotten kudos from shoppers as well as shopping agencies! It is definitely a must read if you are serious about shopping.

Unfortunately, there are many people who immediately think “scam” when they hear the term “mystery shopping”.  Yes, there are scams out there, so just be careful when choosing who to work for. The best resource for new shoppers is a forum where you can read posts and ask questions. You can find a lot of information at my favorite forum and see what others have to say.  It will most likely get you on the road running in no time.  You can also see what companies are legitimate, which ones are the best for newbies and which are the favorites of the pros.  So, after you close this page, just head over there and say hello! If you are like me, you will be inspired and want to start shopping asap when you read all that they have.

Please, let me know if you have any questions because I would be happy to help you out!


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