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Freelance Writing As A Career (or to just earn extra income)

Many people often think about “becoming a writer”. Some hope to get paid extremely well for it, while others like to write just for fun the of it. Some want to become well known, while others just want to share their thoughts with the rest of the world.

Somewhere in the middle of all that is freelance writing.


So, what is freelance writing exactly?  As TheBalance.com explains it:

“Freelance writing is the practice of writing for money, in its simplest state. Freelance writers produce whatever written text is needed by their clientele, generally at home in their own office, for money. They write for many different clients, often at one time.

The writing may be for a different person every day of the year, or for established clients who partner with one freelance writer for ongoing work. These partnerships may last for years, or even decades.”

Either way, there is a process to it all.


(At the end of this post is a link to download a quick 4 step guide on getting started as a freelance writer. Make sure you check it out!)


To get started, here are some of the different methods that you should consider:

  • submit your story ideas to your favorite websites
  • find freelance job postings for blogs and review sites
  • take up copywriting for advertisers and marketers
  • signup with content sites and write short, simple pieces covering many topics

Sometimes you will be writing about a subject that you are interested in, but most of the time you are writing about subjects that are chosen by your client.  They pay you to write what they are needing at that particular time.

If that is not something that interests you, self-publishing is a popular option many writers start with. You can create your own blog or newsletter. The money you’d make through that avenue would be mostly from affiliate links, subscriptions and guides/e-books that you sale.

Either way you choose, you first need to get started writing and get your work out there.  Editors and publishers all want to see what you can do before they pay you for content.


How much money you can earn through freelance writing will all depend on YOU.

  1. How well do you write? Not just grammar, but speed, accuracy and formatting all take time, which will limit how much work you can put out each day.
  2. What types of jobs will you accept? Jobs have different ranges of pay, with some paying very well and others not paying at all. You will most likely start on the low end until you get your work out there for future editors to see.
  3. How often will you be working? Obviously, the more time you can commit to writing, the more money you can earn.


If you are ready to get started, download the free kick-start guide HERE. It goes over 4 steps that will get you writing and published in no time at all!


Good Luck & Happy Writing!
